Homes First: Essential Support for Toronto’s Homeless
In times of prosperity or times of recession, the issue of homelessness continues to worsen. It’s not only a local issue, it is a provincial and national one, which all citizens should be concerned with.
There is a common misconception that the homeless are people who may have made a choice (whether it be drugs or anything else) that has brought them to this fate. However, the reality is that the homeless population includes children, veterans, survivors of domestic abuse, and even individuals with full-time jobs — with their wage being too low to sustain a place to stay. Additional factors that could lead to homelessness is the lack of affordable housing, rising unemployment, and mental illness.
The Moez & Marissa Kassam Equity Fund is working to address this issue head-on, starting with Ontario. One of the ways we are doing this is by supporting an incredibly effective organization in this area of focus, Homes First Canada.
Homes First offers housing to Toronto’s homeless with 15 shelters that aim to be occupied by people in need, especially those from displaced and marginalized communities. The organization provides places to stay and essential support services to more than 1,600 seniors, families, and single adults in the Toronto area every night.
According to the organization, Homes First “has developed a support model that includes medical/psychiatric services, medication monitoring, assistance with maintaining personal hygiene and clean-living spaces, financial management, navigating the criminal justice system, and a host of additional age-specific supports. All staff and volunteers are trained to work with individuals with complex mental health, substance use, and life skills issues.” This in a nutshell, tackles so many of the factors that people affected by the issue may have to face, or will be concerned with.
Our Foundation urges everyone to get involved — we understand that not everyone has the means to spend a great deal of money or time, however, even a single random act of kindness can make a huge difference in someone’s life.
Here are some ways businesses can help improve the condition of the homeless and give them life-changing opportunities:
● Contribute goods to organizations helping the homeless. If you own a restaurant or grocery store, partner with local organizations that collect remaining food you have at the end of the day. Donations of clothing, furniture and electronic devices can also make a big impact.
● If you are a business with unused or under-utilized space, make your facilities available as shelter, especially in colder months.
● Network with people in local organizations that are working to improve the lives of the homeless. Visit their facilities, and ask them what they need.
● Encourage your employees to volunteer, and make it easy for them to do so.
● If practical, implement a program in your own business that will allow homeless individuals to work at your company as an apprentice, intern or employee, allowing them to gain valuable skills and expand their future employment opportunities.
● Help organizations that are addressing issues of addiction and mental illness, which are catalysts for the downward trajectory that so often leads to life on the streets.
● Within your own business, put in place support systems that will provide mental health, addiction and domestic abuse resources to your own people who may be in need. Keep your employees informed of the employee assistance you provide, as well as programs that are available to them through state and federal agencies.
● Make a long-term commitment. The homeless crisis won’t be fading away anytime soon. The time is always now, to help the individuals and families who are living on the street, or at risk of falling into homelessness.